Much of our lives is determined by the choices we make. And many of the choices we make are determined by our personal priorities.
It has been said that if one wants to know what someone believes all one must do is look at what that person owns and what he or she loves to talk about. These things often speak volumes about what is truly important to us as unique individuals.
Setting our priorities and keeping them straight isn’t easy. Things change and our priorities may change with them.
What was important to us a few months ago may no longer be important. Likewise, what was of little importance may over time have become very important.
For Christians, there is another consideration in setting our personal priorities. In the Gospel of Matthew, Jesus said:
“But strive first for the kingdom of God and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.”
Matthew 6:33
By “all these things,” I believe Jesus was referring to the everyday needs and concerns that consume much of our time and energy.
Nearly two thousand years later, Jesus’ words still ring true for believers.
As we begin to look towards the fall and consider the return of activities and events in the life of the church and in our own lives, I encourage you to regularly revisit your personal priorities in light of your faith.
Is following in the path of Christ your first and most important priority?
Do you strive to grow in faith by the choices you make? Do you sense the Holy Spirit guiding you in how you use your time, talent, and treasures? Do you daily consider who you are in Christ Jesus and how what you say and do reflects your love of God and your neighbor?
It’s easy to get lost in the day-to-day trials and tribulations of our lives. It’s easy to spend so much time putting out the “small fires” that we are oblivious to the joys and dangers around us. It’s easy to think that the good work we could do today can certainly wait until tomorrow.
Let us strive to better know God in Jesus Christ and to follow Him more closely! Then let us rest in the assurance of God’s Word.
If we are truly willing to love and serve God and our neighbor, everything else in our lives will find its proper place in God’s hands!
God’s Grace and Peace to You & Yours!
Pastor Mike
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